Don’t trust the sign on the door.


There are so many entry points to the goodness of God in the Bible if we are listening as we read.

And as we read and listen, here is something we need to know.  Often the sign on the door is not very attractive, at least not to the casual observer.  Almost always the entrance to the path of Christ calls us to bow before God and trust him.

Not so with religion and philosophy.  If you don’t like God’s advertisement for life, never fear.  You can find much more appealing offers just about anywhere in the name of religion, philosophy and common sense.

Here are a few:  “Enter here for the blessing of God!”  “Come and be healed!”  “We will meet all your needs.”  “Lonely people welcome.”  “We honor your beliefs.”  “Your opinion is important.”  “I’m okay, you’re okay.”  “Family Values” “Where the love is.”  “Friendliest church in town”  “Honor”  “Love”  “Excitement”  “Bible study”  “Pro-Life”

But you can’t trust the sign on the door if it offers anything above or before honoring God and bowing before him.

In one of my grad school classes, we had, as a visitor, the pastor of a large church in the Chicago area.  He was sharing with us the various ministries of his church.  The mission of his church was need-driven.  Discover a need, fill a need, such as ministries for singe parents, etc. and the church had grown from less than a hundred people to around 1200 – 1400 members.

I asked him, and I really was not trying to be critical or embarrass him, but after hearing him list ministry after ministry in which the church reached out to people and met their needs and cared for them, I sincerely wanted to know.

And here was my question as accurately as I can remember it: 

Is there any outreach or ministry in the church that, as people are helped and lives are put back together… Are they ever called to take up their cross and follow Christ?

Matthew 10:38 (NIV)
and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

His answer:  No, we haven’t got to that place yet.

So then, what are we offering and being offered?  Come to God and he will bless you, or fix your relationships, or make you wealthy or healthy?  Is that really a deal we want to take?

The message of the Bible is come to God, receive his gift of life, bow before him, follow Christ.

And God will do what God will do, and it is better past our imagination than what we would choose!

Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV)
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church
and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

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