STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday December 13, 2015

women facing very abstract

The “Bad Girls Club”?

How is it that only members of the “Bad Girls Club” (with one notable exception) make the list in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1?

◼︎ Tamar: Disguised as a prostitute,  had sex with her father-in-law …

◼︎ Rahab: Prostitute turned spy turned faithful heroine …

◼︎ Ruth: Came softly in the middle of the night to sleep beside an older man to secure a position …

◼︎ Bathsheba: Bathed naked and had sex with her neighbor’s husband …

This is not how we would go about writing an account of the family tree of our most esteemed member.

What happened? Why did God do this?

Message Title: Grace & the Grandmothers of Jesus Christ!

Message Text: Matthew 1

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