MP3 for FFC for Sunday December 13, 2015

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Matthew begins his gospel with these words: “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.”

    • He is the only gospel writer to begin in this way. In fact, of the others, only Luke lists a genealogy (chapter three) but with NO women mentioned. Mark starts in Isaiah. Luke begins in the days of Herod. John begins “in the beginning” referring to what we call eternity past.
    • In this genealogy that Matthew gives us, this God-inspired account of the family tree of Jesus Christ, only five women are mentioned. Four of these women—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba—are surrounded with stories of sex, power, position and intrigue.
    • No “good girls” mentioned except Mary, the young virgin who was the mother of Jesus. No Sarah, no Rebecca, no Rachel. Why?
    • Why would God put his list together in this way?
    • How is it that only members of the “Bad Girls Club” (with one notable exception) make the list in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1?

Message Title: Grace & the Grandmothers of Jesus Messiah!

Message Text: Matthew 1

MP3: Grace and the Grandmothers of Jesus Messiah : Matthew 1 : ffc : dave scott : 121315 AM MESSAGE

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