STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – February 7, 2016

investment heaven or hell

No good news in this text. None. All condemnation.

So what do we (I) do? What is a preacher to do? 🙂

God has given me a sense of adventure when it comes to regularly preaching his word. Adventure and perspective. I love God’s word. I love preaching through a book of the Bible. And when I am confronted with a text such as we have this week, I understand this method of exposition more and more. God is leading the way. God challenges me to trust him and believe him.

There is no explicit good news in our text this week. It is scathing condemnation against a class of people who exalt themselves above anyone and everyone else. And for that God will judge them in all severity.

So what do we do with James this week? Withering condemnation to the oppressive rich. But no peace offered. No resolution. No call to repentance of sin or confession of sin. Only the fiery blast of judgment.

What do we do? What do I do? I preach the word. I trust God with the harvest. Amen.

Message Title: The Coming Miseries of the Oppressive Rich!

Message Text: James 5:1-6

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