AUDIO for FFC for Sunday – February 7, 2016

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There is no explicit good news in our text this week, at least not in the first six verses. James delivers a scathing condemnation against a class of people who exalt themselves above anyone and everyone else. And for that God will judge them in all severity. No peace offered. No resolution. No call to repentance of sin or confession of sin. Only the fiery blast of judgment.

So what does this mean to us?  Patience. James begins the next section calling us to patience.

  • (James 5:7a ESV) Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. 

Be patient. Trust God. Jesus is coming again. So do not succumb to the oppressiveness of life. Don’t take it out on your brothers and sisters in Christ. Know that one day all things will be made right. We do not wish this on people, but we do take comfort in God’s justice.

In this God calls us to a calm assurance and a confident hope.

Message Title: The Coming Miseries of the Oppressive Rich!

Message Text: James 5:1-7a


mask sad weep howl


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