STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday — February 14, 2016

tractor wagon barn corn growing

Do we believe that Jesus is coming again?

We are supposed to neither complain nor argue. God tells us. He wrote it down in his “Book” very clearly.

  • (Philippians 2:14 NIV84) Do everything without complaining or arguing.

And … we are supposed to never grumble, especially against one another.

  • (James 5:9 ESV) Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.

So I believe that it would be safe to say then, that grumbling, complaining and arguing are sins.

Unless it’s me. Or one of my family members or friends. Or probably not if it’s you either. You’re a pretty good person. (Not really but let’s roll with this.)

Have you ever noticed how some things that God describes as sin that we change the meaning, or at least change the application? Have you noticed that?

If someone else spreads that rumor it is gossip, so shame on them. However … if it is me or my friends, or family, then it’s different. (Of course it’s not but this is what we say it is so it must be so. Right? Seems right to me. And my friends agree.)

It is like we are on the “friends and family” plan with the wireless phone company. We have unlimited minutes for grumbling, complaining, arguing and gossiping.

So I can grumble and gossip and it’s okay, but don’t you dare grumble or gossip. Haven’t you read what God says in his holy “Book” the Bible. I will whip those Bible verses on you like ugly on a monkey.

FOR WAY TOO LONG we in the Church of Jesus Christ have turned a blind eye to the way we relate to the people around us, especially fellow believers, especially the way we speak to and about one another.

FOR WAY TOO LONG we have made this acceptable. “That’s just the way it is.” Right? You’ve heard it. We frail, flawed, humans have given our “Christian social acceptance” to this downgrade of Gods divine teaching as to how we speak to and treat one another, but God has not changed anything in his Bible.

What was sin 2,000 years ago is still sin! What was harmful to his Church 2,000 years ago is still harmful today.

So when are we going to let the word of God penetrate and quit making excuses?

HERE IS THE IRONY: The very things that we grumble and complain about are the things that God tells us that he uses to produce precious fruit in our lives. This is his work of sanctification.

  • (Ephesians 5:26–27 ESV) That he [Christ] might sanctify her [us–the Church], having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

We are going to look so good. We will be stunning beyond our imagination. But he does this work through the difficult things of this life that drive us to his grace.

Jesus is coming again. We wait, hope, believe, trust and patiently allow the Lord to accomplish his mighty work in our lives. Amen and amen!

Are you with me on this? 🙂

Message Title: Patient Farmers!

Message Text: James 5:7-12


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