AUDIO for FFC for Sunday – March 13, 2016

light meets deep darkness and verses

    • That is what the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, is about. Remembering the gospel. Every time we take the bread and the cup we remember and we proclaim the Lord’s death.
    • In our text this morning we find Jesus, the light of the world, facing the deep darkness of humanity and the spiritual forces of wickedness. Through the dark night, both literally and spiritually, through betrayal and disappointment, isolation and loneliness, and sadness to the point of death, our Lord confronted the land of darkness spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah.
    • Alone. No one beside him. The fury of the battle between the deep darkness and the Great Light had scattered his disciples like terrified children.
    • So what message did Jesus have for these men who had run for their lives but would soon return in great love and faithfulness and devotion?
    • His message to them: This is all you have. This is all you need. Now and in the centuries to come: this is all you have, this is all you need. The blood of the covenant. His blood poured out for the forgiveness of our sins. They were to build on the finished work of Jesus Christ and nothing else.

The Blood Promise!

guaranteed diagonal rectangle John 6-29

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