STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – March 20, 2016

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Life or destruction! You choose.

  • Narrow Gate: One way for life.
  • Wide Gate: Many ways (that are really the same way) for death.

Only one way. Only one name. Only one truth. His name is Jesus.

Narrow? Exclusive? Only one way? Are you kidding me? Nope. But it’s God, not me anyway. Neither my idea nor plan of salvation for this fallen planet.

God’s idea, God’s way!

  • (Isaiah 55:9 ESV) For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

This week in Matthew 7, Jesus Christ speaks of a way that leads to life versus a way that leads to destruction. Guess which way most people take?

The way of death!

Why? Because our way not only “seems right” to us, but in our minds it “is right.” (See study sheet for Scripture references.)

Message Title: Build on the Rock!

Message Text: Matthew 7:13-29

my way highway destruction


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