STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – June 5, 2016

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The last question God asked in Eden: “What is this that you have done?”

God has asked the questions and now proceeds with his judgments. Now we will begin to understand the catastrophe of the fall.

So much of Genesis three is very simple and very complex. Many layers. Here is the key. God makes very clear what we need to know to obey and honor him. God does not answer all of our questions, and he does not seek to satisfy our curiosity. Yes, he leaves questions unanswered, hanging in the air. He is God.

A huge part of what we need to know from Genesis three is how our world changed after the disobedience and rebellion of Adam and Eve. Those things God does answer as they are vital to understanding our lives and our salvation some 6,000 years later.

Message Title: What Is This That You Have Done?

Message Text: Genesis 3:14-24


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