Audio for FFC for Sunday – June 5, 2016

man thinking what is this that you have done


    • As we enter the discussion this morning, we are going to direct our attention to the last question that God asks in Genesis three: “What is this that you have done?”

Because of what they had done …

1) They died and brought death to the entire planet on that day, Genesis 3:1-7, 2:15-17, Romans 5:12.

  • (Genesis 2:17 ESV) 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

2) They brought down God’s curse and judgement upon the Earth on that day, Genesis 3:8-19.

3) They were driven from Paradise on that day, Genesis 3:20-24.

  • Let’s ask ourselves: Do we live in the world of Genesis three? Do we understand the world we live in from a biblical perspective, most specifically, do we live our lives in view of the cataclysm of the fall of humankind?
  • Genesis tells us of a great upheaval. From God’s unbounded blessing to a world of pain, death and hostility. Do we see that? Do we live in view of a world in great turmoil that will one day be brought completely under the judgment of God?

Message Title: What Is This That You Have Done?

Message Text: Genesis 3



Message Title: This Is Your God!

Message Text: 2 Samuel 22

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