STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – June 26, 2016

apple black SIN what have you done

Why are bad people so good and good people so bad?

Bad people are good and good people are bad because we all are both bad and good. We are depraved, born bad to the bone and in the image of God, the complex mixture of the human race since the great rebellion in the Garden. We deviated from the course of God, veered from the path that God directed us to for life as he offered it.

And now we have this enigma to deal with as we look at each other. People who are supposed to be so bad are so wonderful. And people who are supposed to be so wonderful are … errr … well, you know … not so much.

How is it that your tattooed, beer drinking biker guy neighbor is such a good person? And that young lady who obviously didn’t sign the abstinence from sex before marriage covenant, how is she such a caring, understanding person? And while we are on the subject, why is my neighbor who makes no claim to religion seem to be a better person than many of the church folk I’ve known over the years?

Message Title: Our Post-Eden World: Depraved!

Message Text: Genesis 3:13, 3:22-24

apple red brown good bad depravity

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