AUDIO for FFC for Sunday – June 26, 2016

apple red brown good bad depravity

The Depravity of Man: Will the real you please stand up?

In the beginning we were created in God’s image. This did not disappear when we rebelled but it was tarnished and corrupted. Our physical beauty, our intelligence and our expressiveness are all reflections of God in his creation. Physical beauty doesn’t usually enter this discussion, but I mention this here because our physical appearance, beauty, design, athleticism, etc., do reflect God. The creation reflects the Creator in all these aspects. The artist is always seen in his handiwork.

Our ability to love, seek meaning and significance, be creative, invent, build, show mercy and kindness all flow from God. Our personalities are reflections of his image. A biblical understanding of depravity teaches that this is now all tarnished, as it no longer fits God’s ideal, but it is not absent. The “image of God” has lingered in all the generations of humankind, but we lost our intimate connection in the rebellion, when we deviated from God and his goodness. Our relationship with God was damaged beyond human repair.

So now we see why we still can find exceptionally good people in our lives who do not know Christ. They were created in the image of God. Depravity doesn’t mean that goodness was obliterated which I think is a point of dissonance with many people. Within limitations people can still love, be merciful and practice grace and goodness, even good works. People still perform acts of heroism and sacrifice even to the point of death.

But none of this can make us right with God. Depravity means that religion can never save us. With the rebellion came death, a severed connection with God, no efficacious remedies on our part to bridge the gap between God and us. This is why a religion of good works, stated or practiced, cannot bring you to God, but can bring you great confusion as you may see extraordinary examples of his image within that religion. Depravity means total vertical disconnect. However, even though we could do nothing to fix our problem, God could and did through Jesus Christ.

God intervened with his plan. We were helpless and hopeless, sinful, perverted, rebellious creatures. And at just the right time God demonstrated his love for us.

Message Title: Our Post-Eden World: Depravity!

Message Text: Genesis 3:22-24

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