When the weather outside is frightful …

When the weather outside is frightful, inside it’s so delightful.

But not always.

A good/bad thing about the harshness of winter is facing the fragility of life.

Can a few degrees downward shift on the thermometer really affect us that much?

Duh! Y-e-s! Yes!

We (read I) can experience feelings of insecurity. The cold can shake us; expose what vulnerable, little creatures we really are.

Unless …
Or until …

The creature remembers the Creator.

Now the arrow of my compass is again pointing to Jesus Son of God. My eyes are focused on the King and Lord of the universe, of whose realm I am a subject.

My weakness reveals my strength. By faith my attention turns from my human frailty to the forever, enduring nature of one born of God.

That would be me, weak little creature that I am but made “God-strong” by Jesus.

He paid the price on a cross that I might have hope no matter what “winter” I might face, literal winter or “winter” of the heart or soul.

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