The glory of the Lord …

The glory of the Lord …

This really does need to be our grand vision for life. Now and forever.

So we need to know what it means – “to the glory of God!”

I believe that this is our release, our ultimate freedom, when we bow our lives, our actual lives, beneath this grandest scheme for life.

No mere definitions or word play will quench our thirst for bringing pleasure and highest honor to God.

This is the “more” that we all pursue.

“More” is God.

Not money, not career, not relationships …

Not even our religion!

Highest honor to God in everything! This is glory to God. I trust him, his words, his direction in my life and this world.

I believe his words and live them no matter where they lead me. No matter what loss. Including my life, both literally and figuratively.

My love relationship with the Sovereign Lord of the universe expresses itself in devoted obedience and trust.

Glory to God, past the cliche, past my lips to my heart.

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