Where are you?

Where are you?

Think about that one for a minute.

For me geographically – on Planet Earth, in the United States, state of Indiana, city of Terre Haute, in my study in our modest neighborhood north of the city limits.

Physically – One heartbeat removed from eternity.

Spiritually – I have received the gift of eternal life, and now I want to make the most of it but often the daily grind steals my view of heaven. Riding my vapor trail, trying to make a living, trying to live in view of forever while locked into the day-to-day, fighting to remember where I am, sometimes who I am.

Where am I?

God asked this question to Adam and Eve after the rebellion in the Garden of Eden.

(Genesis 3.8-10 BBE) And there came to them the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the evening wind: and the man and his wife went to a secret place among the trees of the garden, away from the eyes of the Lord God. (9) And the voice of the Lord God came to the man, saying, Where are you ? (10) And he said, Hearing your voice in the garden I was full of fear, because I was without clothing: and I kept myself from your eyes.

God knew where they were, but he wanted them to think about it. Can you imagine the dread they felt? Sometimes we move past this too quickly. For the first time they felt the effects of sin, and they were the ones who opened the door to the darkness.

I think each of us should ask: Where am I? Not my stated position, not my theological or philosophical viewpoint, not my church affiliation, association or denomination, but my actual position. When the vapor trail I call life dissipates, where will I be before God and eternity?

Too many people don’t ask the question.
More specifically, too many church people don’t ask the question because, as with any subject which we don’t want to address, we are afraid that we will have to change the direction of our lives when faced with certain information.

So the next question is: Do I want to know the truth?
If I am wrong, do I want to know the truth? An evangelist I used to listen to on the radio states that he asks unbelievers a question which I presume to be regarding their world-view and the gospel of Jesus Christ: “If you are wrong, would you want to know the truth?” I think it is only fair then that we ask ourselves as professing Christians as we tackle the various issues of life: “If we are wrong, do we want to know the truth?”

Some help.
Something that helps me face issues I would rather not is to project myself on “the big screen,” standing before God, earth is history, forever comes into view, and I am better able to see what is sinful, selfish, petty, shortsighted, etc.

See that smile.
I want to do some things while here on Earth and locked in mortal combat with the spiritual forces of wickedness that brings a smile to the face of God.

Or not.
Yes, we can also project ourselves to that heavenly scene and picture God’s judgment, but no smile would be judgment enough for me.

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