Win-win … Heaven can wait.

Sometimes I am so ready for heaven. So ready for Jesus to “beam me up.”

Tired, worn and pain, way too much pain.

Just take me now, Lord …

But then God speaks to me about the pain and loneliness and “lostness” of so many who would be left behind on the planet.

So many who need to hear some truly good news, as in the kind of good news that only God can give.

As in hope and new life, a perspective that evades the prison of Earth’s horizon.

And above all, I do want to please Christ.

So, I guess heaven must wait and I must serve while I have the opportunity to share the goodness and greatness of God.

(1 Corinthians 5.7-9 NCV) We live by what we believe, not by what we can see. So I say that we have courage. We really want to be away from this body and be at home with the Lord. Our only goal is to please God whether we live here or there.

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