Seeing through people.

Do you ever see through people?

I don’t mean the “I saw right through him,” going to put someone in his place, show her to be the hypocrite she is, etc.

I mean God lets you see the person the way he sees them.

You aren’t trying to do this, not trying to be spiritual, or invasive, or condescending. Yuk! None of that stuff. It is just a realization that breaks over you. God gives you a moment as you are going along, trying to follow him, living by faith, caring about the world you live in, and God gives you “x-ray” vision.

A few years ago I wrote concerning “Seeing the good person behind the mask.” You can read the entry at the following link.

Jesus saw through people with a heart of compassion.

(Mark 10:21 NKJV) Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”

The man had all the right answers, but Jesus saw into the window of his soul. “One thing you lack.”

Loving God and loving our neighbor will bring us to this place where God lets us see through the force fields, the impression shields and see the fragile nature of the people around us.

Not to damage or destroy, but to try to bring life, to try to build.  To warn them about the lion that wants to devour maybe.

Sometimes the person God brings into our lives intends to wound, break or destroy us. But when we are operating in the same world as God is, living his words, owing nothing but love, then the teeth are removed from the attacker.

I don’t know how many occasions God has transformed the human adversary into an object of my compassion. I went from being ready to fight, rising to the conflict, to seeing the person, in God’s light, seeing me in my world as God sees me and seeing this person as God does.

And I can’t harm or bring hurt. Even the pain that is successfully inflicted by the other person becomes strength and peace in my life. God doesn’t wave a magic wand. He just transforms our lives my renewing our minds with his perspective.

Joseph said: “You meant it for harm but God meant it for good.”

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