“My heart can’t stand the pain; my eyes can’t see the right.”

Wow!  I was getting ready to say how I had written those words several years ago.  Yeah, right, several years ago.  How about around thirty years ago?

One of the first songs I wrote:  “I’ll Run Back to My King”

When I see my fellow man, on a journey through this life,
When I see the sin, the misery, the strife,
When I see a brother’s outstretched hand, crushed in flight,
My heart can’t stand the pain, and my eyes can’t see the right,
I’ll run back to my Lord, I’ll run back to my King, I’ll run back to my Savior,
And my heart and soul I’ll bring.

And for all of my inconsistencies, and my sinfulness, I still can’t stand to see the pain of life in another person’s eyes.

This drives me on, but can you imagine the pain of heart the Perfect One experienced.  If I, being a converted rebel and enemy of God, one who ran to sin and not away from it, if I can feel the pain of this world to a degree that I am compelled to bow before God and offer my self to help. . .

Can you imagine the deep pain the Perfect One, the ultimate Person of compassion felt?

(Matthew 23:37 MSG)  “Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Murderer of prophets! Killer of the ones who brought you God’s news! How often I’ve ached to embrace your children, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you wouldn’t let me.

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