Let God “read” his Book to you …

It just leaps off the page when my “Dad” reads to me …

We all know how special it is to read a book to our children.  I can remember as a young boy my dad reading the “Sunday funnies” to me.  So great.  The “funnies” as we called them came to life.

Sometimes our Abba Father does that.  As we read his holy book, his Spirit who lives in his children, “reads” to us.  Personal.  Intimate.  Father and son.  Daddy and daughter.

God talking …
I am speaking of the words of God coming from God.  He speaks to us if we allow him to do so, if we quiet ourselves long enough to hear what he actually says.

This is different than mere Bible reading or Bible study.  This is setting ourselves down before the presence of God and listening with the intent to honor him with our response.

This is when the words of our Bible will be delivered to our hearts by the Spirit of God his own self.  That’s what I’m talking about.

And I stand amazed that God does this for me, his former enemy.  And I worship.

This is a read-your-Bible-promo post …

Some things that grabbed me as I read this week, leaped off the page and sunk into my heart.  Things that made me smile deep inside and thank and praise God.

God’s word does that if we let it.  And, yes, I’m talking to you.  Do you give God the opportunity to leap off the pages of Scripture and grab your attention and usher you before his presence in eternity?

Plain language – Are you reading your Bible?  And if so, are you listening and bowing as you read?

When God speaks …
These are the times when the things we already know become new, when words written with ink on a page live and breathe in our minds and hearts, new insights wash over us as we are in process – reading faithfully, responding reverently.

In other words, God speaks.
That is what is supposed to happen when we read his holy words.  You think he might have had a plan?  Hello.  God speaks to us.  He has been doing this since the creation, since he walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  Had volumes written down so we could know what was on his mind and hear his voice.

It isn’t always flash and excitement …
Sometimes, maybe often, we plow through the holy text, doing our duty, following the discipline we have established over the years.  It is not all leaping and grabbing, so don’t pretend it is.  No.  Do not pretend God is speaking to you if he is not.

If it is not sincere, then it is not divine …
Drawing near to God with our lips is one for the “really bad idea” category.  Our hopes and dreams stay within the confines of our humanity.  We can come up with some really good ideas, just not God’s ideas.  So we don’t see our lives in the context of the divine.

  • Isaiah 29:13 (NCV)
    The Lord says: “These people worship me with their mouths, and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.  Their worship is based on nothing but human rules.”

So here are a few things God brought to my attention this past week as he visited me on my lunch break and broke through the mundane with his words of power and truth.

The promise of life …

  • 2 Timothy 1:1
    Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life in Christ Jesus.

It just kind of hit me as I read – “the promise of life.”  All the promises that are made concerning life, happiness and fulfillment, but only God speaks the truth.  Jesus – way, truth, life.  Wow!  Right there it was, old and new at the same time.  So fresh.

A holy calling …

  • 2 Timothy 1:9
    Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.

Saved me, called me with a holy calling.  Not just a special calling, but a holy calling, a calling that I believe I can accurately say originated in the throne room of the One Most Holy.  God’s calling on my life that he will complete according to his purpose and grace through Jesus Christ.  Jesus really did “pay it all.”

Brought to light through the gospel

  • 2 Timothy 1:10
    But now has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,

Death has been brought low by Jesus.  The greatest bogeyman, the great fear, the impending dread and doom abolished by the Son of God if we only believe his gospel. Good news indeed.  And our questions and pursuit of immortality?  Again the gospel sheds light on the age old mystery of life and forever.

Be strong in the grace …

  • 2 Timothy 2:1
    You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

Not just be gracious or be nice and courteous.  But no matter how dark the corridor or how bright the sunlight, be strong in THE grace, that would be the grace of Jesus.  What an asset we have as we seek to honor our Lord and what a privilege that we can drink his grace again and again.

Don’t wrangle about words …

  •  2 Timothy 2:14
    Remind them of these things, and solemnly charge them in the presence of God not to wrangle about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers.

(Wrangle:  A dispute or argument, typically one that is long and complicated.)

  • Paul is not saying – Don’t study, don’t define terms and meanings of words.
  • Paul is saying – Don’t play with the words.  Don’t quibble.  Bow down and tremble.  Don’t entertain ourselves with the power of the word of God and not submit to it.

Instead of wrangling, stand in the presence of God.  But too often our Bible study merely reflects our rebellion.  Our convoluted answers form a smoke screen for our disobedience.  To our ruin we make complicated the simple.  We rationalize our disobedience through self-willed interpretations that find their roots in the dark hearts of humans not bowed before God.

Humans come up with human answers and solutions.  Humanity, even the best of humanity, apart from divinity only leads to ruin.

There is a way that seems right …

To him be glory forever …

  • 2 Timothy 4:18
    The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Maybe I don’t wow you but God should.  What a package delivered to us in the salvation that Jesus  bought and paid for.

  • Rescue from evil
  • Brought safely to his heavenly kingdom
  • Glory to God forever and ever

Words of a song I wrote a long time ago:  “Heaven is a real place, eternal life, you’ll see.”

And it is real.  More real than we can know or imagine.  In Jesus Christ we will be brought safely into this amazing kingdom that God calls heaven.




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