Thoughts on Apple, the “cloud” or more specifically the iCloud, and Lion … :)

First my decision to “go Mac” …

“I’m a Mac” as the commercial goes; have been for the last maybe four years.  Very pleased with the decision after years of grumbling about the snotty “fanboys” on the Apple side.  I always thought their products were overpriced and overstated.  But not so  over the long haul.

Several things contributed but possibly the first was the way iTunes worked.  As they in Apple-land say, “It just works.”  First my wife’s iPod and then mine.  “Hey, this might not be so bad after all.”

Another contributor – I had had it with buying a new computer with so much junkware already on it.  I am not speaking of spam and viruses, although that was also a big factor in my choice.  I am speaking of the junk that comes on a new computer.

And possibly the biggest was ease, reliability and power for my music and video.

ALSO I was eased into my decision with the development of virtualization software.  I was able to take my entire Windows XP setup and transform it into a virtual machine with vmWare Fusion.  In simple terms, I could run my Windows machine on my Mac.  I seldom use it now but still have the access if I need to run or test something on Windows.

And now to iCloud …

And this is basically to any iOS 5 users out there.

I have used an iPhone 4 for the last year and love it.  I mean this thing is great.  When they say “there’s an app for that,” it is so true.  Amazing computer that fits in my pocket.

As with 25 million others thus far, I upgraded to iOS 5 last week.  I am still just scratching the surface but am very pleased after working out a couple kinks.

And … so far iCloud is great.  I make a change in my contacts on my phone or on my Mac and go to the web and voila … there it is.

Seem to also have a performance boost.

On to OS X Lion …

I love Lion.  Have been some quirky issues but this is one powerful OS.  Launchpad is great.  Has gotten some bad publicity but it is quick, powerful and looks great.   I have several separate desktops set up in Mission Control and this is very powerful.

I love technology.  Saying it out loud so go ahead and put me on your prayer list.

Anyway, that’s all for now folks.


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