Hot water, cold water, amazement, and thankfulness.

Several months ago I had one of those moments when a seemingly very ordinary, mundane thing was revealed for what it truly was.

I was standing at the kitchen sink, and boom, capow. . .it hit me.

I move the handle this way (forward and to the right), and I receive cold, fresh water in an instant.

I move the handle this way (forward and to the left), and I receive clean, hot water, ready for the task.

I had done this thousands of times without a second thought but not this time.

I saw the gift for what it was and I praised and thanked my God.

Do you want a refreshing drink of water?  Oh, what is that you say?  To have any water at all you have to walk 2k?  And then the water isn’t potable, not fit too drink.

But I just do this, move the handle forward and to the right and hold my glass under it until I have had my fill.

And we haven’t even talked about hot, sudsy liquid to clean our dishes or scrub the dust of our bodies after a hard day’s labor.

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