I love my Mac Pro; had thought about switching for some time; have been Mac only (except VmWare Fusion for a few Windows programs) for over a year now. Highly recommended.
Audiobooks, Scripture readings, Music on my iPod
I’m telling you the iPod is the way to go. I have mine set to automatically sync the Steve Brown and Alistair Begg podcasts. Start iTunes, plug in the iPod and I can listen to the daily radio broadcasts at my leisure, rewind, fast-forward, very nice.
I bought the entire Bible on MP3 and didn’t really use it until I put it on my iPod. Import to iTunes, make playlists if you want, copy to the playlists and voila.
Want to preview music for the praise band? Find your songs on iTunes, pay 99 cents and send it to the “pod.”
Audiobooks – I am hooked. Have been listening to The Brothers Karamazov (Abridged) by Fyodor Dostoevsky for free because on they give a free audiobook download every month.
My last “read” was “The Shack.” – Excellent!
Also with iTunes, most podcasts and audiobooks are set up to automatically work with iTunes.
NetBible –
Biblos –
Heartlight –
I discovered Heartlight as I “googled” hodos (the transliteration for the Greek word for way in 1 Corinthians 12.31). And up pops this online lexicon that allows all kind of searches.
Osis –
FREE ONLINE BACKUP – Mozy Online Backup
I back up a few essentials on this highly rated service – email, book manuscripts and notes, etc. Very simple to use for Windows or Mac.
Thanks for listening.
I will try not to stay gone as long.
Amos David 🙂