One thing God doesn’t promise to do …

God doesn’t promise to fulfill our plans, doesn’t promise to work our plan, but his.

  • Romans 8:28 (GW) We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God—those whom he has called according to his plan.

I try not to over-do my criticism of the “life-lessons” that are sometimes taught on TV, not on a crusade, don’t watch that much TV.  We accept it’s mostly stupid, right?

But last night something really bothered me.

Not that this was new or worse than what is always on, but it seemed to say so blatantly – no God, live your life as you see fit, make the rules as you go.

The one guy who was a cop had to steal to get money for his wife’s black-market kidney.  As it was justified by the nephew, another cop, Auntie would have died if Uncle hadn’t done this.

No God watching over.  No honoring him with obedience in the events of our lives.

God wasn’t there.  That is what really bothers me.

They weren’t railing against God.

He just wasn’t there.

No God working his good plan for those who love him.


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