Watched Tuskegee Airmen this evening …

  • … the wound is so great that it takes the death of the Son of God to heal us.

Inspirational but so sad.

I can’t imagine the horrors of living through a war.  The awfulness, the irony.  Mostly good (in human terms) people killing each other. Killing each other.  Taking a life; removing it from the face of the earth.  For someone’s cause.

The people on both sides had jobs, baked doughnuts, worked in factories, designed buildings.  Everyday, common people who cared about what their neighbors thought and spent holidays enjoying their families.

Kind and gentle, caring.

And then we murder each other.

The forces of darkness mock us and laugh at our stupidity.

Created in God’s image?  Ha!  Let’s show God what his creatures are capable of.

How can we be so evil and so good? How can we crush the people around us and not think twice and yet have such compassion for the needs of others at times?

Because sin wounds us to the depths, and the wound is so great that it takes the death of the Son of God to heal us.

We fall short of God’s glory, his ideal.  The first evil was “merely” eating the wrong fruit.  Something to remember when we think that apart from grace we have any hope of true righteousness.

“Well, all I did was _____________ .”

Go ahead and fill in the blank.  But ask yourself, Was it worse than eating a piece of fruit?

It is the direction of our heart that is the problem.

Give in to an impulse that isn’t from God and we are right there at the forbidden tree picking the fruit that God prohibited.

But it looked good; probably tasted really good.  And now we do see life differently.  We see life where we no longer trust God for everything, no longer thank him, no longer honor him by living that path that he calls us to.

  • (Ephesians 2:13 NASB95) But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
  • (Ephesians 1:7 ESV) In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
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