I sat in my car and cried …

I sat in my car and cried …

Wow! What a baby. And then to admit it …

Doesn’t seem very spiritual, not believing, not trusting …

Blah, blah, blah … Spiritually speaking of course.

I didn’t even quote any Bible verses. Tsk, tsk.

But I did pray, and I cried to my Father.

I was very disappointed, even (gasp) disappointed with God.

I had received some very discouraging news and that along with the cumulative effect of some other struggles and the burdens some friends are under, I was pushed past my limit.

So, yes, I sat in my car and cried. And I’m saying it out loud.

It turns out that the news I had received was skewed and was hardly discouraging at all. So great. I can now write of a spiritual victory in this post.

Or not say anything at all.

But I decided that although this particular episode in my life turned for the better I still felt compelled to say this.

It’s okay to cry. In fact sometimes it’s the only honest thing to do. Upward and onward is a lie if you are emotionally spent and spiritually and physically exhausted at the side of the road.

Disappointment comes and sometimes it is too much for us. So maybe sometimes our prayer becomes sitting before God crying. Sometimes it is not only okay but the best approach to God.

Anybody here read the Psalms lately?

And wouldn’t you do that before your earthly father or in the company of your best friend? Does our Father in heaven have less compassion and care in our struggles?

  • 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NASB)
    Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, [7] casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

My God is sovereign Lord and loving Father, and I bow before him and sometimes when I do I cry. And he cares and he is big enough to handle my disappointment, even my disappointment with him.

My love runs deep for my Creator and Redeemer!

I’m saying it out loud. 🙂

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