Got a problem with hell, then choose not to go there …

Not apologizing for my God …

You’ve got a problem with hell.  Then choose not to go there.

No apologies will  be found here as to what is  written in God’s holy book, the Bible.  My God, the Creator and Redeemer of this planet is love and is light.  No begging and pleading for the benefit of an accusing world.  No politically correct explanations of the why’s and whereabout’s of the Sovereign King of glory.

Won’t find it here.  Don’t bother to click on the search box.

God loved this world with the ultimate sacrifice of a Father.

  • John 3:16 (NIV) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

A choice …

God provided a choice through Jesus Christ.  God offered the life of his Son so we would have a choice of heaven or hell.

  • Heaven is a place for sinners who trust in God for salvation.  Hell is a place for sinners who do not trust in God for salvation.  (C. S. Lewis via an Alistair Begg quote sometime over the last several weeks on his radio broadcast.)

Too often we apologize for God’s actions, spend too much time trying to explain how bad things can happen to good people, etc.

Too often we apologize for hell, as in “How can a loving God even have a hell, let alone send someone there?”

Not innocent bystanders in a cosmic conflict …

  • Romans 1:19 (NIV) since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

We know …

We know because God has made it plain.  Around us and in us, everything speaks of God.  Deep down we know that our accusations toward God are not inquiry but arrows shot in battle.  Questioning God’s goodness is not typically a fact finding mission but part and parcel of the rebellion of the human heart.  No, we don’t understand everything about God.  We can’t.  But we can know God … deeply.

But many choose not to.  So know this as you as you choose hell instead of heaven.  In judging God’s goodness you have rejected his goodness.  You chose hell instead of heaven because you decided that a God who would change your life is not a good God.  You decided you did not want God involved and pursued life elsewhere.

The God I know needs no apology. He offers his goodness, and we accept or reject his goodness, his salvation through Jesus Christ.  One day, one way or another, you will know this.

  • Romans 14:11–12 (NIV) It is written:  “As surely as I live,” says the Lord, “every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.” 12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.


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