Twitter is not just for teens …

Maybe you haven’t tried Twitter yet thinking that Twitter is only for teenage girls or millionaire athletes.  I know, you probably realize that Twitter is more than that, but Twitter is extremely helpful in very practical ways that you may not have realized.

For instance think of Twitter as an information feed from businesses or interests you are associated with.

I follow very few people, but I follow several tech companies, e.g. magazines and software providers.

I follow:

  • Crashplan – my online backup service.
  • Logos Bible software, sales updates, new version notification
  • MacWorld, MacFormat and others – tech software, hardware, hints, reviews

Some examples:

  • I receive notifications when a company’s servers might be experiencing trouble or when they will be down for maintenance.
  • I receive notices of app and software special deals.
  • I receive links to use cases of software I use from other people who obviously use the same software.
  • I receive notices of trends in the tech world … When is the iPhone 5 going to be out?
  • Sometimes just interesting or humorous articles.
  • Links to hardware and software and app reviews.
  • Info about features of software I use.

Maybe you need a better app for your iPhone or app for your computer.

I didn’t use Twitter for some time, not only because I didn’t realize the benefits, but also because my apps (phone and computer) were so clumsy and poorly designed.

Suggestion:  Try more than one; really makes a difference when you can actually find your information and easily navigate your page.


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