Why the cut-off is seventy years.

(Psalms 90:10 NKJV)  The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Speaking with a friend of mine today on the phone.  One thing led to another and we discovered why people don’t live for hundreds of years anymore.  We have been all wrong with our theories.  It wasn’t the changing of conditions on Earth after the flood.

Let me explain.  I had asked Mike if he ever wondered aloud: “Why has it taken me fifty years to learn ____________?”  Just fill in the blank.  Why does it take me so long to pick up on some things?  And then I joked:  That must be why Methusaleh and all the boys must have lived so long.  It took that long to “get it.”

But Mike had a better theory:  They never did “get it” so God made the cut-off at seventy years.

We had quite a chuckle.  We could just hear God:  “That’s it.  You could live another four-hundred years and still not get it, so I am setting the general limit to seventy years.  Seventy years and ready or not, you’re out of here.”

So to those of you who have other theories:  Sorry about it, but I think Mike and I pretty much have this one figured out.

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