Author Archives: dave

The problem with getting our own way …

It’s not just Christian Kool-aid; it’s the word and promise of God. Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His … Continue reading

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Another world …

More here than meets the eye … 2 Corinthians 4:18 (The Message) There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever. … Continue reading

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Jesus Saves audio, with new intro but previous recording of song itself …

  Luke 19:10 (ESV) For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” This is somewhat what I am going to do on October 30; I put a previous recording of Jesus Saves under the audio … Continue reading

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Jesus Saves: It wasn’t finished; here’s my latest revision of video for my music project on October 30 …

Scroll down for video; I revised video this evening; much better audio I think. Millions of voices it seems but we need hear only one – Our Creator and Redeemer. And we need to answer one question – What must … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Apple, the “cloud” or more specifically the iCloud, and Lion … :)

First my decision to “go Mac” … “I’m a Mac” as the commercial goes; have been for the last maybe four years.  Very pleased with the decision after years of grumbling about the snotty “fanboys” on the Apple side.  I … Continue reading

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Let God “read” his Book to you …

It just leaps off the page when my “Dad” reads to me … We all know how special it is to read a book to our children.  I can remember as a young boy my dad reading the “Sunday funnies” … Continue reading

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Took on the way home from work Friday

Coming out to my car from the bank Friday; had to grab my iPhone.   Sent with Analog

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God is “sky painting” again today …

  Dave Scott   Bottle Rocket Theology … The simple art of following Jesus Son of God

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Video intro I am working on for a song later this month at church … Jesus Saves!

 SCROLL TO BOTTOM OF POST FOR VIDEO Acts 16:30–31 He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”   This … Continue reading

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Morning sky Thursday 100611

Sunrise, blue sky and lots of puffy clouds and colors. See the full gallery on Posterous

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