Author Archives: dave

I’m back … and STUDY SHEETS for July 20, 2014

Hello to All, Some of you know, and some of you do not. I have been “missing in action” for the last several weeks as I crashed my bicycle on June 8 and have since undergone two surgeries on my … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for Sunday June 1, 2014

Hello All, Oops! Really busy last week and forgot to post the study sheets for our introduction to Romans. I received a very good response to the beginning of the study and believe the journey through Romans will be amazing. … Continue reading

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HANDOUTS FOR THIS Sunday May 25, 2014

Hello Everyone, When am I the best patriot? When do I truly have my country’s best interests at heart? When I have first things first and am seeking first God’s righteousness. And when I am living a life of honor … Continue reading

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Oops! Well, if anyone was “watching,” I forgot to post last week’s handouts. Message Title: Do We Believe What God Says in 1 Corinthians? Message Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 PDF Do we believe what God says in 1 Corinthians 13 … Continue reading

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HANDOUTS for Mothers Day / May 11, 2014

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU! Here are the handouts for Sunday. Mothers, you want to feed your children good, wholesome food so they will be healthy, right? Same thing with God’s word. Healthy (sound) doctrine means spiritually healthy children. This … Continue reading

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HANDOUTS for Faith Fellowship Church for Sunday April 27, 2014

Hello All, My, oh, my, what a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The Apostle Paul tells us this in 2 Corinthians 10:5 … (2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV) We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take … Continue reading

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HANDOUTS for FFC for Palm Sunday – April 13, 2014

Hello to You, Had to take my sweatshirt off earlier. Getting a little warm. Oh yeah! Do a little grass cutting next week maybe. That’s what I’m talking about. Anyway … on to “spiritual” things. 🙂 This week is what … Continue reading

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Jesus & the Narrow Gate …

The Narrow Gate:

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“Hear, O Israel …” (Mark 12:28-34 ESV)

“Hear, O Israel …” (Mark 12:28-34 ESV) The LORD our God, the LORD is one! There may be other gods, illusions contrived in the religious minds of men and women. But there is only one God, and he desires a … Continue reading

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HANDOUTS for Faith Fellowship Church for Sunday April 6, 2014

Good Morning to All! It is April. Yay! We had quite a rain on the prairies of western Illinois last night. Very fresh and springy this morning. Grass is getting green. Again … Yay! We finish our Ezra study this … Continue reading

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