Author Archives: Amos Gideon David

Here’s a link to the rest of the lyrics if you are interested

Chris Rice, Live By Faith Lyrics Powered by ScribeFire.

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Blessed is. . .from Chris Rice song

“Blessed is the heart that gets broken but keep holding on, holding on for another day.” From song “Live by Faith” from album “Past the Edges”

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Why so much emotion and tension, it’s just your eternal destiny?

I was thinking today about approaching different people in my life concerning their eternal destiny – family members, neighbors, the people in the neighborhood of our church. And I thought, wow, so much tension, so much emotion. Amiable:  Friendly and … Continue reading

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Stopping by, God? Don’t forget the miracles and blessings.

We want to be with God – or at least we say and act like we do – but it seems we often want God’s presence on our terms. I have to wonder that sometimes even legitimate principles are compromised … Continue reading

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Study doesn’t get you where you need to go.

Our study of the Bible tells us where we need to go but does not get us there. It seems that too often our Bible study is the destination. We study to find and understand the abstract principle, our reference … Continue reading

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Walking where God walks.

I can remember asking our star pupil in our youth group one evening if she would go over and help make one of our new girls feel at home, welcome her into the group. She answered, “I couldn’t do that. … Continue reading

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Did the text say that or did we take a holy detour to make our point?

Listening today to some lectures concerning creation versus evolution; have been actually for several days. Excellent lectures given by a good scientist who is a good Christian. I would say a friend but although we have been acquainted for a … Continue reading

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Choose your lion carefully.

(1 Peter 5:8 GW) Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks for someone to devour. A dangerous path to life as God has promised and provided. … Continue reading

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Taming the Lion.

(Revelation 5:5 MSG) One of the Elders said, “Don’t weep. Look–the Lion from Tribe Judah, the Root of David’s Tree, has conquered. He can open the scroll, can rip through the seven seals.” Yes, God is dangerous but don’t worry, … Continue reading

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The “Lion” is dangerous.

God is dangerous. You don’t believe me. Then why is Jesus called the Lion of the Tribe Judah? Remember Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia Throughout the series, it is stated that Aslan is “not a tame lion”, since, despite … Continue reading

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