Author Archives: Amos Gideon David

Gods of Egypt

Here you will find a very interesting list of the numerous Egyptian gods. This post is in connection with our Leviticus study.  The children of Israel left a land of many gods to follow one God. Gods and Mythology (Religion) … Continue reading

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A Leviticus study…Are you kidding me?

Our pastor began a study in Leviticus today, and I am looking forward to it. Yeah, right. You probably look forward to going to the dentist and doing your taxes too, dude! Do you want to know why I am … Continue reading

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Check out

Another tip from PC World “Create a Customized Web Portal With Netvibes”  August 2007 Had this on my to-do list; got around to it this afternoon; excellent.  Can completely customize your home page; is similar to My Yahoo! and … Continue reading

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Where are you?

Where are you? Think about that one for a minute. For me geographically – on Planet Earth, in the United States, state of Indiana, city of Terre Haute, in my study in our modest neighborhood north of the city limits. … Continue reading

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Another plug for Firefox.

You’ve got to try Foxy Tunes when you try the Firefox browser. If you don’t know and are concerned, as I was, about a conflict with Internet Explorer, you may install and use as many browsers as you please. No … Continue reading

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Shameless plug for Dave’s storefront

New addition you may be interested in viewing. Passion, Purpose, Perspective for Living by the Words of God. FREE DOWNLOAD | Helping Bloggers Succeed Dave Scott Living by the Words of God – Powered by ScribeFire.

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Tomorrow gets very heavy

I am not really a worrier but sometimes. . . (Matthew 6:34 NCV) So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Man, tomorrow gets heavy, and frightening when … Continue reading

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Problem with Adobe Reader

Another tech note.  Had a real problem with my computer yesterday; was afraid had picked up a virus or spyware.  But no, the problem was with Adobe Reader.  Apparently many people are having the same problem.  When you start AR … Continue reading

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A few plugs

Have you tried Firefox?  It is all I use now; kept reading how great it was and it is, and it’s free.  25 music downloads for 9.99/ month;  every kind of music and the music is yours to burn … Continue reading

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Borrowed from my wife. Wow!

My wife and I had a mini-getaway over the weekend; quick trip up north to visit friends Saturday afternoon, back Sunday evening. As we were driving and talking, my wife shared some thoughts, and I am like “Now that’s what … Continue reading

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