Category Archives: daily thoughts

Sorry I bailed this week

Sorry I haven’t done anything this week; very busy and tired. One problem is I keep forgetting my “primers” — notes I take during the day to remind me of my “inspiring thoughts”; sometimes that window opens and closes so … Continue reading

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Myriads of gods or one God?

(1 Corinthians 8:4-6 MSG) Some people say, quite rightly, that idols have no actual existence, that there’s nothing to them, that there is no God other than our one God, (5) that no matter how many of these so-called gods … Continue reading

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Gods of Egypt

Here you will find a very interesting list of the numerous Egyptian gods. This post is in connection with our Leviticus study.  The children of Israel left a land of many gods to follow one God. Gods and Mythology (Religion) … Continue reading

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A Leviticus study…Are you kidding me?

Our pastor began a study in Leviticus today, and I am looking forward to it. Yeah, right. You probably look forward to going to the dentist and doing your taxes too, dude! Do you want to know why I am … Continue reading

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Check out

Another tip from PC World “Create a Customized Web Portal With Netvibes”  August 2007 Had this on my to-do list; got around to it this afternoon; excellent.  Can completely customize your home page; is similar to My Yahoo! and … Continue reading

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Where are you?

Where are you? Think about that one for a minute. For me geographically – on Planet Earth, in the United States, state of Indiana, city of Terre Haute, in my study in our modest neighborhood north of the city limits. … Continue reading

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Another plug for Firefox.

You’ve got to try Foxy Tunes when you try the Firefox browser. If you don’t know and are concerned, as I was, about a conflict with Internet Explorer, you may install and use as many browsers as you please. No … Continue reading

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Shameless plug for Dave’s storefront

New addition you may be interested in viewing. Passion, Purpose, Perspective for Living by the Words of God. FREE DOWNLOAD | Helping Bloggers Succeed Dave Scott Living by the Words of God – Powered by ScribeFire.

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Tomorrow gets very heavy

I am not really a worrier but sometimes. . . (Matthew 6:34 NCV) So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Man, tomorrow gets heavy, and frightening when … Continue reading

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Problem with Adobe Reader

Another tech note.  Had a real problem with my computer yesterday; was afraid had picked up a virus or spyware.  But no, the problem was with Adobe Reader.  Apparently many people are having the same problem.  When you start AR … Continue reading

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