Humility … Seeing ourselves more clearly

  • My humility is one of the greatest things I have going for me.  🙂
  • Some people are so “humble” that they won’t go where humility would lead them because this would make them look proud.  🙂
  • I should be very humble; I’ve had enough lessons.  🙂

How can a person admit to being humble?  Or own up to pursuing humility?  Or even answer these questions without fear of being viewed as prideful?

Paul calls us to be completely humble, so I’m thinking that maybe we are misunderstanding the concept of biblical humility when we can’t admit to this work of God being kneaded into our lives.

  • Ephesians 4:1–2 (NIV84)
    As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Humility is something I treasure.  And, yes, I am now completely serious.  I trust God every day to improve my “good judgment” as I see myself before him.

  • Romans 12:3 (GW)
    Because of the kindness that God has shown me, I ask you not to think of yourselves more highly than you should. Instead, your thoughts should lead you to use good judgment based on what God has given each of you as believers.

See ourselves through this dual lens:

  • What God has done in our lives.
  • And what God will do in our lives.

Two thoughts:

  • Don’t let the bad stuff ruin the good stuff.
  • Don’t let the good stuff ruin the good stuff.

You see, we are not to view ourselves more highly than we should, but we are to view ourselves accurately.  Don’t let pride blind you.  But don’t let false humility blind you either.  I have truly known people who I believe were crippled in their walk with Christ because they shirked the path of true humility because sometimes on that trail of following Jesus we may easily be perceived as proud.  And very frankly, they were too proud to allow themselves to be perceived as anything but humble.

In our bought and paid for by the shed blood of Jesus Christ relationship with God Almighty, we have complete freedom to confront everything about our lives, inside, outside, good, bad, wonderful, disgusting … everything.

Don’t denigrate God’s goodness by not admitting to the beauty and grace he has worked into your life.  As his child you are currently being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.  There had better be some grace going on!

And confess your sins.  Maybe even the sin of pride.  Quit depending on propping yourself up to feel any worth.  Follow close to Jesus.  Learn the truth of his word.  Obey him.  Serve and worship him.

Draw near to God, love him, and you will know your worth as one of his.

One indicator that you are walking in humility:  When you do find yourself caring more about what God thinks of you than what people do.



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