Okay, so I heard this on a TV show …

  • Tango – “Listen to the music. At any moment it can change on you. You have to be ready to pivot and move in an entirely new direction.”

Yes, I did pick the thought up from a TV show, but it’s pretty good.  Made me think of the following Scripture.

God led the Israelites through the wilderness with a cloud.  Cloud moved, they moved, cloud stopped, they stopped.  So arbitrary it seemed, and, yet, so God.

  • Numbers 9:17
    When the cloud moved … the Israelites moved, and wherever the cloud stopped, the Israelites camped.

As with Tango … any moment it can change.  The music leads.

Now under the new testament it is somewhat different, although I believe God still wants the same trust and obedience. And it can still seem so arbitrary on the part of God.  Whatever he wants.  Your will be done, Father.  They followed God by looking outward; we follow God by listening inward, to his Spirit.

Isn’t that what we should be doing?  Listening to the music of God in our lives.

  • We say that God lives in us if we have a saving relationship with him through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • We say that we are God’s temple with his Spirit dwelling in us.
  • I pray every day that I will follow Jesus and be led by and walk by the Holy Spirit of God.
  • I read God’s word and pray throughout my day.
  • I trust God and speak to him throughout my day.

So I should be “hearing the music” of God, now shouldn’t I?

  • Numbers 9:15–23 (NCV)
    15 On the day the Holy Tent, the Tent of the Agreement, was set up, a cloud covered it. From dusk until dawn the cloud above the Tent looked like fire. 16 The cloud stayed above the Tent, and at night it looked like fire. 17 When the cloud moved from its place over the Tent, the Israelites moved, and wherever the cloud stopped, the Israelites camped. 18 So the Israelites moved at the Lord’s command, and they camped at his command. While the cloud stayed over the Tent, they remained camped. 19 Sometimes the cloud stayed over the Tent for a long time, but the Israelites obeyed the Lord and did not move. 20 Sometimes the cloud was over it only a few days. At the Lord’s command the people camped, and at his command they moved. 21 Sometimes the cloud stayed only from dusk until dawn; when the cloud lifted the next morning, the people moved. When the cloud lifted, day or night, the people moved. 22 The cloud might stay over the Tent for two days, a month, or a year. As long as it stayed, the people camped, but when it lifted, they moved. 23 At the Lord’s command the people camped, and at his command they moved. They obeyed the Lord’s order that he commanded through Moses.

All the spiritual disciplines heighten my ability to “hear the music” –  Scripture, service, worship, loving God …

I allow God to train me to listen and follow.  The “music” leads …

Tango … 🙂


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