Author Archives: dave

Psalm 62:1-2 NKJV

Psalm 62:1-2 NKJV [1] Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. [2] He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved. Sent from my iPad

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Another world … 

An old post from my Bean Brothers blog.  Posted by Java the Bean at 10:50 AM / January 31, 2009 / Another world …  It’s another world I wish I could communicate, at least that is how the thought came … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday March 15, 2015

Hello Everyone, At first glance this week’s text seems to be our familiar missionary call to spread the good news of God. And it is that, but as I studied (funny how these things happen) I realized that the main … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday March 8, 2015

Hello All, Well, if anyone believes that they can work to gain God’s approval after this study in Romans, then it will not be the fault of the Apostle Paul. He is at it again as he emphasizes we received … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday March 1, 2015

Hello to All, It is still winter in case you haven’t noticed. Sunday is March so … Maybe Spring … ??? The Jews that Paul writes about in Romans … These Jews share many similarities with the professing Church in … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday PM February 22, 2015

The Fool Has Said in His Heart! INTRODUCTION: Nabal … the epitome of a fool … He thought he was a king but was merely a dead fool. Terrified by reality. Literally and actually scared to death. The fool’s life … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday February 22, 2015

INTRODUCTION: Our metaphors in today’s text say it all. God is the Potter. And we are  the clay. OUR QUESTION: Should the lump of clay tell the potter what to do? ▶︎ Object Lesson: Red terra cotta clay from Hobby … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday February 22, 2015 …

Hello to You, News flash! What God tells us is sometimes shocking. Things that are just not found in the categories that we humans usually run to that help us sort out life. And we have to trust God. Without … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for Sunday February 15, 2015

Good Morning, Yay! It’s Monday, right? But we are another week closer to Spring! They couldn’t see God’s glory in Christ because they were blinded by the pursuit of their own glory. God offered salvation, but they just couldn’t get their … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday February 15, 2015

Hello Everyone, Still winter. Still cold. But Spring’s a coming! 🙂 The Jews had forgotten that the gospel of God is the Gospel of GOD! They had it all but squandered the opportunity. God’s chosen people, richly blessed, but now … Continue reading

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