Author Archives: dave

Message MP3 for Sunday February 8, 2015 Evening Service

Hello All, I don’t record all of the Psalms studies but did yesterday. So here it is. dave Probable (possible) historical setting: TO THE CHOIRMASTER. A PSALM OF DAVID. David on the run; seeking refuge from Saul who is maddened … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday February 8, 2015

Hello All, *EDITOR’S NOTE: We had extra things going this past Sunday, so this message became the introduction to Romans 9-11. The gospel of God … The gospel of God begins all the way back in Genesis, when after the … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for Sunday February 8, 2015

Hello to Everyone, ▶︎ Israel chose their story over the Story of God. Missing God’s Story was not new to the Jewish people. At one time Elijah wondered if he was the only one left true to God (1 Kings … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday February 1, 2015

What wall is your ladder leaning against? You’ve heard the expression: “He made it to the top of the ladder but realized that his ladder was up against the wrong wall.” This was the problem for many of Paul’s countrymen. … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for Sunday January 25, 2015

The commanded love of God. God commands us to love him, commands us to love our neighbors. God commands us to love our enemies. And now John echoes the words of Christ where Christ commands us to “Love one anther.” … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday January 25, 2015

“Love one another.” Allowing God to love us to the fullest extent of his love. In some ways this has been a “How to Let God Love Us” series. God commands us to love him. God commands us to love … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday January 18, 2015

A seminar on godly living … If I were to invite you to a seminar that promised to make you like your Father in heaven, would you consider that a seminar on godliness? Or if I invited you to a … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday January 18, 2015

“I say to you who hear …” The opening line of this week’s text. “I say to you who hear, Love your enemies.” Not a message for everyone. “To you who hear …” Christ is speaking to only those who … Continue reading

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Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday January 11, 2015

Not Just Suggestions but Commands! You’ve heard that before I imagine. “The Ten Commandments. Commandments, not just suggestions. Not the Ten Suggestions.” If you have been on the planet for any length of time and have been in church or … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday January 11, 2015

Hello All, Brrrr……. Hope you are warm and safe during this bitter cold. So this week we are looking at the #2 Doctrine in Scripture according to Jesus. Love Your Neighbor as Yourself! Message Title: Second Love, Second Doctrine! Message … Continue reading

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